Match 31.03.2024 14.05.44

30 minutes
1.55 (Avg. Tier)
VN 24 TH 20 AU 7 JP 4 ID 4 TW 2 NZ 1 MY 1 CN 1
# Team Damage Kills Placement points Placement Total points
CERBERUS Esports 2258 18 10 #1 28
VN Sololzy 892 7
VN Himass 591 7
VN Taikonn 503 2
VN HaiSaki 273 2
Valee Thai Esports 809 5 6 #2 11
TH Kiss 219 2
TH UNQUEz 286 1
TH Latae 224 1
TH Megvlos 80 1
Xavage Men Esports 850 1 5 #3 6
TW Leo 161 1
MY Sophiya 528 0
CN L1nnnn 161 0
TW Savior 0 0
The Expendables 1163 6 4 #4 10
VN 777 334 3
VN Delwyn 368 1
VN DuCkHjeUz 237 1
VN TanVuu 223 1
Daytrade Gaming 783 6 3 #5 9
TH Nourinz 219 3
TH Belmoth 288 1
TH Flash 211 1
TH PuuChiwz 66 1
Unicorn Cyber 923 6 2 #6 8
VN HuuDat 482 3
VN Destroyy 419 3
VN Sapauu 22 0
VN HungVoDich 0 0
From the Future 474 3 1 #7 4
ID Tedeeyy 218 2
ID tRycK 165 1
ID Awkarinnnnn 63 0
ID C1moy 28 0
ENTER FORCE.36 882 2 1 #8 3
JP Sylphia 358 1
JP Pureboy 170 1
JP Kein 335 0
JP xKe1 19 0
Panic Esports 835 1 0 #9 1
AU Dusky 365 1
AU sSuspekT 196 0
AU Ripp 164 0
AU pivvy 109 0
Rap Xiec Esport 958 2 0 #10 2
VN Fap 355 1
VN Da1ziel 268 1
VN thanhnhan 216 0
VN VinhSiu 118 0
eArena 427 3 0 #11 3
TH Jacob 201 2
TH Xizzy 202 1
TH Lericz 0 0
MAGnetic 1106 4 0 #12 4
TH ThanawatTH 481 2
TH Flukky 376 1
TH Thunderz 132 1
TH Ezqelusia 116 0
Armory Gaming 112 1 0 #13 1
TH DimasTy 90 1
TH J4ME 22 0
TH ShanKs 0 0
TH RiwZ 0 0
Reluctant Squad 449 1 0 #14 1
VN Junnn 256 1
VN Vinamilk 194 0
VN Hoangf 0 0
VN 6789 0 0
ROY Esports 206 1 0 #15 1
VN YmCuD 44 1
VN SirT 100 0
VN Zest 62 0
VN VanNghj 0 0
Team Bliss 272 1 0 #16 1
AU Monty 222 1
AU Insight 50 0
NZ Akita 0 0
AU Ykikamucow 0 0